“행복의 한쪽 문이 닫힐 때, 다른 한쪽 문은 열립니다. 하지만 우리는 닫힌 문만 오래 보느라 열린 문을 못 보곤 합니다.”라는 헬렌 켈러의 말처럼 행복은 다시 찾아오지만 그것을 쟁취하는 건 우리의 몫이라고 생각합니다. 열린 문을 찾을 수 있는 행복한 2024년이 되시길 바랍니다.
“When one door of happiness closes, another one opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” As Helen Keller said, happiness finds its way to us, but it’s up to us to claim it.
Wishing you a happy 2024 filled with open doors.
- Artist | 정태훈 @curvesign
client : NIKE korea
“When one door of happiness closes, another one opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” As Helen Keller said, happiness finds its way to us, but it’s up to us to claim it.
Wishing you a happy 2024 filled with open doors.
- Artist | 정태훈 @curvesign
client : NIKE korea